Though now is not the time for partying in most places in the world, eventually the time will come when a celebration is warranted in your short-term rental property. When that happens, your Airbnb cleaners may need some tips to survive a particularly unruly get-together.
Even when you make the proper signage and outline the rules of your property, it is still possible that your guests will breach those rules and leave a mess for you to deal with. Broken glass, ripped furniture, and even more off-putting surprises may be left on your furniture, here is how you should deal with each:

Broken Glass
If you’ve witnessed a rowdy crowd that is under the influence of alcohol, you can probably anticipate that broken glass will make an arrival. Luckily, broken glass doesn’t leave a stain, unless handled improperly. Before beginning the cleaning process, ensure that you have the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available:
- Latex or Rubber Gloves
- Face Mask
- Safety Glass or Goggles
The gloves will protect your hands from the large, sharp pieces of glass while also preventing the dust-like glass particles from attaching to your skin. A face mask stops your Airbnb cleaners from breathing in the dust-like particles as well. Finally, the glasses will ensure that your eyes are safe from glass of any size.
Now that your Airbnb cleaners are ready to clean the broken glass, it is recommended that you use a vacuum or a dedicated broom and dustpan. These methods allow for a contact-free removal of the glass. Use a specific broom for the glass to avoid spreading glass around the property in the future. If you or your Airbnb cleaners don’t have access to a vacuum or dedicated broom, a damp paper towel can work. Simply fold the towel a couple of times, apply water, then press the towel onto the pile of glass. The glass should stick to the towel for easy removal.
Liquor Stains
If your Airbnb cleaners find that your guests have spilled their drinks, don’t panic. There are solutions that your Airbnb cleaners can use to solve this drinking problem. If drinks like Wine or Beer or spilled on the linens in your property, you can use this stain-removal technique:
- 1. Apply a wet sponge on the stain or soak the linens in cool water for 30 minutes.
- 2. Use a pre-wash stain remover on the fabric.
- 3. Put the fabric in the laundry machine. If applicable, use chlorine bleach.
There is a variety of solutions that you can make at home that will help you remove stains caused by Wine, Beer, or other alcoholic beverages. These solutions commonly include vinegar, dishwashing detergent, and other household items. No matter what the mess is, your Airbnb cleaners must be familiar with common cleaning products and how to use them.

Final Thoughts
The fear of cleaning up after a party is less impending than usual, but the day will come eventually. When that day comes, your Airbnb cleaners should prepare for the worst messes. Continue seeking out new effective methods of tackling stains and keeping Airbnb properties squeaky clean. Your guests will be so happy, they might just throw a party.