Last year, 35 percent of Americans were expected to take a family vacation. We all know that traveling with kids is not the easiest task. As a vacation rental owner, not only can you easily relieve some of the stress put on parents by making your vacation rental more kid friendly, but you may also attract a larger audience. Here are some tips on how to make your vacation rental kid friendly.

Provide Stepping Stools
It’s not easy being 3 feet tall. Everything is out of reach and even when you tippy-toe, you’re still not tall enough! Prevent children from feeling like this by providing stepping stools. This can be especially handy in the bathroom. This should reduce water spills and mess in the bathroom. Your Airbnb cleaner will be sure to thank you for this.
Set Up a Play Area
Create a separate space for kids to play indoors. Be sure that this area is away from any valuable objects and is in a central area where parents can easily keep an eye on their kids. Provide some toys and games for the kids. If you want to give the play area a special touch, think about transforming the entire area as a fort. This can easily done by draping some sheets over large pieces of furniture.
Encourage Outside Play
If your property is big enough that it has a backyard, why not set up an outdoor play area for kids? Having kids play outdoors not only provides the kids with a different play setting, but also reduces the risk of damages inside your home. Think about what kids would enjoy doing outdoors. You could go as big as building a treehouse or as small as providing a blow up pool. No matter how big or how small, the kids are bound to have fun.

Minimize Clutter
Simplicity is key. Kids are always on the move and can easily be distracted by any object, especially in an unfamiliar environment. You can prevent accidents by minimizing the amount of clutter in your vacation rental. Clutter can easily be controlled by providing ample storage space through the use of baskets or boxes.
Provide Baby Gates
You never know how young your guests’ kids will be. Just to be on the safe side, have some baby gates handy. Your guests can use these to block off access to potential hazardous areas such as the kitchen or staircase.